Node.js beginner links

This is the minimal list of links that I think you need to get up and running with node, express, and a fully functioning node site.

Node.js homepage
This is the beginning. Node.js actually runs your javascript file. It's the interpreter runtime. 

Express gives you Sinatra-like routing. It gives you the baseline to be able to run a functioning web app.

Mongoose ORM
Mongoose gives you pretty syntax for accessing MongoDB models. It can be your data layer. 

The default HAML-like template format for express 

it's a package manager like gem or CPAN for the node universe -- install, compile, update all from one command line. 

NPM module listing
listings of useful NPM projects, super useful.


How to
Great up-to-date blog, thanks for the suggestion @DShankar!

Nodepad: An in-depth tutorial
How to write a full app, In 15 parts...

For Rubyists

Node JS for my tiny ruby brain
via technoweenie of github

Advanced Topics - easy realtime long polling library

coffeescript - beautiful syntax for javascript -- you can write an entire node project in coffeescript. Worth +10,000 elegant hacker points.

Node Inspector - debugging for your server

nvm - node version manager, kind of like rvm but for node -- cleanly lets you switch between node.js interpreter versions

