Tracking my ranking over the past year [Pro Javascript Techniques] been consistently in the 10-20,000 range, with occasional dips into the < 10,000 range. JavaScript: The Definitive Guide is always < 5,000 (for comparison).
--John Resig via
Really? That is some really really weak sauce. Pro Javascript Techniques rocks. It's a great book, and totally useful.
Javascript: The Definitive Guide, on the other hand, is a piece of turd. It routinely assumes you *already know* javascript and its prose is almost unreadable.
I wonder why Resig's awesome book is completely dominated by sales of the abysmal O'Reilly book. Probably for two reasons: a) the title (one is way more universal and likely to be bought by aspirational JS developers) and b) O'Reilly doesn't usually put out crap, so its very surprising when it does.